Want to be part of the Robin Hood Marathon Events on Sunday 29th September 2024 but don't want to run? Then become part of our dedicated volunteering team.
Being a volunteer will be extremely rewarding, it's a chance to meet new friends and like minded people but it is not for the faint-hearted. It can be a long, tiring day and come rain or shine we will need your support to help make this fabulous event happen.
On Sunday 29th September 2024 thousands of runners of runners will take part in this iconic event, taking in the sights of Nottingham's historic and beautiful City, as well as raising thousands of pounds for local, national and international charities and we need you to help them on their journey.

There are a number of different roles that we will be looking to fill for Race Day and the week leading up to the race. We have roles for individuals who want to volunteer, called “Race Makers” or we have the opportunity for groups to volunteer together, as a “Volunteer Team”.
If you're interested in becoming one of our Race Makers, please email and we will send you the application form.
Race Maker roles include -
Finish Line Assistant
Finish Funnel Assistant
Hospitality Tent Assistant
Finishing Straight Marshall
Crossing Point Marshall
Please note:
Volunteers must be a minimum of 16yrs of age on Race Day unless accompanied/supervised by an adult.
If you're a member of a sports club, local community group, church, company, who can provide a volunteer group, please get in touch via
your commitment
In signing up to become a volunteer, you must be available for the whole day on Sunday 29th September 2024 and at least one training session prior to Race day. The training session will take place in September, shortly before race day, date to be confirmed.

Goldline Events is committed to 'Helping Runners Be The Best They Can Be', giving them access to the best equipment and creating the best runner experience in all of our events – as a volunteer, you can expect the same commitment: we will train you to be the best you can be in your role, provide you with the equipment you need to fulfil your role and ensure you have the best experience of the day.
We are looking for long term commitment and that means we want to see you next year!
Download an application form here and once completed email it to